Following the club’s proposal in September last year for a Deed of Easement to be introduced with developers that have purchased land within close proximity to the venue, Motion’s director Dan Deeks has confirmed that the first deed of easement agreement has now been secured. Summix Capital Ltd who are proposing to build student accommodation in close proximity to the venue are in full agreement the easement is a necessary tool in keeping all parties protected.
By having a Deed of Easement in place at the development sites around Motion, future residents will know in advance about any inconvenience they might experience from being located close to a cultural hub and music venue. Although there is major development all around the venue, around 4 sites in total, this is a major step in securing Motion’s future and the venue hopes that now all the other sites will agree to take the same step.
The Deed of Easement will provide Motion with the legal right to continue to make noise at the existing levels and will ensure that all future residents of the development are legally bound by this right. The Deed of Easement will also protect residents in the future making sure existing levels will not exceed the current limit. There are ongoing talks with other sites to accept the deed of easement as a planning condition, Motion commends Summix for their forward thinking approach to this matter and Bristol City Councillor Nicola Beech and the Bristol at Night panel for their hard work.
Dan Deeks (Motion Director) : “We would like to thank everyone from the bottom of our hearts for the support including people signing the petition we launched which has now reached 10k signatures. The work will continue to ensure the safeguarding of our venue and cultural space. This space brings all people together, from many diverse identities and communities across the UK & world. We thank Summix for their understanding of our culture and our city, their actions are commendable and this would have never been possible without Nicola Beech and the Bristol at Night panel that took the initiative and took the conversation to Summix. All parties have worked together in a great fashion and delivered something groundbreaking for the city.”
Martin Page (Motion Director) : “To start the year in such a positive nature as this is a big boost for us a business and as we take steps to further protect our venue, employees and the Motion family, I wholeheartedly appreciate the support we have received from Bristol and indeed the rest of the UK over the last 12 months. My thoughts now go to the countless other developers encircling the venue to sit up and take note of the progressive actions of Summix and come to the table in the coming months.”
Stuart Black (Summix Capital Ltd, Development Director) : “We are delighted to enter into this agreement with Motion to help ensure its long-term future can be secured. Motion plays a critical role in making the Bristol night-club scene one of the best in the country. In bringing forward our proposals for purpose-built student accommodation along Feeder Road, we have worked hard to ensure the venue’s significance and status across the UK is respected.” Nicola Beech (Labour Cabinet Member for Spatial Planning & City Design at Bristol City Councillor) : “Temple Meads is set to be transformed in the coming years with a multimillion pound investment into the station itself, the redevelopment of Temple Island and the new University Campus. A fit for purpose train station is very welcomed but I also firmly believe this crucial investment must also ensure we support Bristol’s culture and it’s nightlife. Motion is an internationally recognised venue and adds so much to the Bristol brand. They have my complete support and I am thrilled that a Deed of Easement has been agreed.”
Jim Tarzey (Pegasus Group, planning consultants to Motion) : “The Planning System has as much a responsibility to the night time economy, to protect and preserve existing reputed and well used night time entertainment venues, as they do to meeting the City’s specialist housing needs, which around Temple Meads, will typically come from purpose-built student accommodation and ‘build to rent’ flats. In response to planned and speculative new housing schemes around the Motion premises, focused discussions have taken place with Bristol City Council’s Planning and Pollution Control Officers to ensure that suitable mitigation measures are enforced to respect any adverse impact from the long established music venue. This best comes in the form of a Deed of Easement that has the effect of suitably controlling noise from Motion to existing levels, at and below which no complaints are reasonably justified from these new incoming residents. This is a clear reflection of ‘agent of change’ principles outlined by the Government in the National Planning Policy Framework, policy advice that Bristol City Council have duly recognised to ensure that proposed new housing development within part of the City identified as an area of growth is not unduly prevented. To ensure that the Planning System can exert its own control over this matter, it will be necessary for any planning permissions that are issued for these proposed housing schemes, to have a suitably worded planning condition that requires the developer to enter into such a Deed of Easement. In addition there may also be the need for such developments to reasonably contribute to the cost of planned sound attenuation works to further limit internally generated noise leaking from the building envelope, I.e. works to the roof structure.” Motion Bristol is a landmark for electronic music in the South West. The club is a focal point for local and globally renowned artists to showcase their sound and contribute to Bristol’s internationally acclaimed dance music scene. Motion hopes to continue to operate in a way that suits the growing developments of the city as it continues to evolve.
Currently ranked #11 in the world in DJ Mag’s Top 100 Clubs poll, there’s a chance Motion will breakthrough to the top 10 in this year’s edition. Support the club with a vote, before the polls close next Wednesday 12th February.